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Foggy Notion (live)
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FOGGY NOTION (live) first released on Live At The Longbranch Saloon
(Sterling Morrison, Hy Weiss, Douglas Yule, Lou Reed & Maureen Tucker)

Producer: Ernie Brooks

The track was recorded live at the Longbranch Saloon, Berkeley CA in April 1972 (or poss 1973?).

 The Band
Jonathan Richman Guitar & Vocals
Jerry Harrison Keyboards
Ernie Brooks Bass
David Robinson Drums

 This recording appears on the following records
ML Live At The Longbranch Saloon
ML Precise Modern Lovers Order
JR A Plea For Tenderness
ML Live At The Longbranch And More
JR I Must Be King

    © 1995-2023 Simon Angling